tracking command

英 [ˈtrækɪŋ kəˈmɑːnd] 美 [ˈtrækɪŋ kəˈmænd]

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  1. DBF Based on Multi-aircraft Tracking Telemetry and Command System
  2. The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System
  3. The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Management Controlling System; The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System
  4. Clonal Selection Land-Based Satellite Tracking Telemetry and Command ( TT& C) Resources Scheduling Based on the Mission Oriented Model
  5. Model Error Estimation Based on Distributing Regression and Its Application Research on Space Based Tracking Telemetry and Command System
  6. The Telemetry, Tracking& Command ( TTC) communication is in S-band frequency.
  7. Application of Software Quality Evaluation in Telemetry, Tracking and Command ( TT& C) Software
  8. The teaching management system is used by educational administrators to administrate teaching. The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System
  9. Research on the Method of Combine GEO Satellite Determination Based on Space-based Tracking Telemetry and Command Technology
  10. The telemetry, tracking, and command ( TT& C) network is one of the key issues for regional navigation satellite system.
  11. A simple digital demodulation method is proposed for the DPSK-PM modulated signals, which are commonly used in the satellite USB ( Unified S-band) tracking telemetry and command system.
  12. By spread spectrum technology, the telemetry tracking and command of small satellite groups can be well realized.
  13. Applications of GNSS for Aerospace Tracking Telemetry and Command
  14. The central management and unified allocation mode applied to the space TT C(( telemetry), tracking and command) network, as well as the scheduling algorithms to meet multi-satellite TT C missions are analyzed in the paper.
  15. On the basis of shortcoming of traditional spaceflight telemetry, tracking and command systems in measure accuracy, data speed and resist interfere, multi carrier code division multiple access ( MC CDMA) technology is applied to spaceflight in this paper.
  16. TDRSS represents a new direction in the international tracking telemetering and command field, and is an important symbol of the developing level of the spatial science in a country.
  17. Real-time and reliability are indispensable properties of tracking telemetry command and communication system.
  18. A Design of Transmission Timer for Tracking Telemetry Command and Communication Software
  19. The Design and Implementation of Space Tracking Telemetering and Command simulation System
  20. Finally, the application of this distributed diagnosis technique in a satellite tracking telemetry and command ( TT& C) proves that the complexity of diagnosis is reduced, the diagnosis result is correct, which is suitable for fault diagnosis in complex satellite system.
  21. This algorithm has great instructive meaning for the foundation of simulation flat for information confront of spaceflight tracking telemetry and command link.
  22. Object-oriented Simulation in Space Wireless Telemetering Tracking and Command System
  23. It was an effective method to use data fusion techniques to improve the capacity of tracking and command system.
  24. As a novel space-based tracking telemetering and command system, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ( TDRSS) represents a new direction in the international tracking telemetering and command field.
  25. Developments of Vehicle Tracking Telemetry Command and Communication Techniques Under Environments of Electronic Countermeasure
  26. Developing satellite tracking telemetry& command ( TTC) and orbit determination technology based on space-based TTC network is an effective means which overcomes limitations of traditional ground TTC mode, but utilizing satellite-to-satellite measurement would arise deficient-rank.
  27. The digital receiver for measurement and control plays a key role in the telemetry, tracking and command ( TT C) system for high-speed aircraft, which is the base of tracking, measuring, monitoring and controlling of the high-speed aircraft for the TT C system.
  28. The method for tracking the command current and the two-level SVPWM modulation strategy is adopted in the control module.
  29. The orbit dynamics theory, deep space orbit dynamics simulation and TT& C ( Tracking Telemetry and Command) simulation are detailedly researched combined with actual project in this paper.
  30. The result of experimentation shows that the multi-channel ground base band equipment has good consistency and meet the design requirements, which can be used in the Tracking Telemetry and Command ( TT& C) of UAV.